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Vis full versjon : Bluetooth module BT Volvo P2v2 - Oppgradere original telefonmodul PHM med bluetooth.

17/03/17, 02:46
Fortsetter en eksisterende tipstråd, til erfaringstråd. (http://forum.vccn.no/showthread.php?75156-Bluetooth-module-BT-Volvo-P2v2-Oppgradere-original-telefonmodul-PHM-med-bluetooth)

Etter solid kjapp service fra Marek Byma, har jeg fått montert modulen og førsteinntrykket er veldig bra.
Modulen kan bestilles direkte fra Marek (http://www.volvoforums.org.uk/showthread.php?t=261575).

Kobler seg til mobilen imponerende raskt (støtter 2 enheter tilkoblet samtidig, og 16 enheter lagret) og starter automatisk Spotify når bilen startes.

Handsfree fungerer bra, og benytter bilens originale mikrofon i speil og høyttaler i nakkestøtte.
Telefon under armlen fungerer også.
Lydnivå på mikrofon og nakkestøttehøyttaler kan justeres i DIM menyen.

I sattelitt (SAT) modus på HU-x5x radioee får man opp låttittler i display (ID3 tag), men rattkontrollene virker ikke her da trolig en ekstern sattelittmottaker komuniserer via canbus fremfor Melbus.
I minidiskveksler (MD-CHGR) modus på HU-x0x radioene får man opp låttittler i display (ID3 tag), og rattkontrollene fungerer som dem skal.
CDveksler (CD-CHGR) modus fungerer på alle HU, men mangler ID3 tag. Rattkontrollene fungerer som dem skal.

Lydkvaliteten er helt på topp, ingen bakgrunnsstøy å høre.


17/03/17, 08:01

17/03/17, 19:56
Hvordan er dette på biler med navi? Er det Y-kobling på kabelen som går inn i telefonen? Sånn som det er på grom [emoji6]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18/03/17, 02:20
Bare å bruke y kabel ja, kobles til den grå du ser på bildene.

18/03/17, 12:58
Hei locked (http://forum.vccn.no/member.php?u=25)
Blir det noe gruppekjøp, eller må man bestille direkte hver for seg?
Det er litt uvisst, responsen var ganske laber fra forumet. Uansett så tenkte eg å teste ut dette ei stund før eg anbefalte det til andre. Til å begynne med var eg ikkje særleg imponert men med siste programvare bleir det ei betydleg forbedring.

Har ikkje fått urforska samtalebiten noko særleg sidan eg har køyrt lite privatbil den siste tida.

23/03/17, 18:56
Bare en kjapp notis på det Morgis nevner med forsinkelse ved sangbytte; det er ikke noe som forekommer hos meg. Bytter momentant, bruker Tidal og Cdvekslermodus.

23/03/17, 21:57
Sangbytte går raskt, eg brukar den i SAT modus og det er litt irriterande at rattknappane ikkje virkar optimalt. Det tar litt tid før sangteksten skiftar i radioen (det er nok teknisk, at den må indikere for radioen at den skifta kanal for å få oppdatert teksten).

Etter oppdatering av programvare har hastigheten på tilkobling blitt mykje bedre, autostart på Spotify.

26/03/17, 18:05
Kjøpte en slik BT-module P2v2 fra Marek Byma for en stund siden og fikk den levert i slutten av februar. Har slitt voldsomt for å få den til å virke og årsaken viste seg å være min phone modul (PHM) som var defekt. Hadde ikke brukt PHM på noen år. Hadde heldigvis en annen PHM med samme delenr. liggende og ved å bruke denne virker nå P2v2 til Marek som den skal. Må si jeg liker at denne bruker original knapper, mic. og høyttaler.
Med til historien hører også at når jeg installerte PHM nr2 i bilen min så passet DIM på å ta kvelden akkurat da. Super service fra Tunheim fikset imidlertid dette.

Jeg har hatt mange mail og excelent service fra Marek Byma hele veien. Han sier han er klar over det finnes et VCCN's forum og at han har prøvd å registrere seg der, men ikke får til å skrive innlegg. Noe for administrator? Email til Marek Byma er: marekbm.volvo@gmail.com
Marek ber meg videreformidle svar på noen av spørsmålene som dukker opp, (antar han er flittig bruker av google transelate) og han kommer også med at tilbud ang. samlet bestilling. Jeg sender dette tilbudet via PM til locked, Morgis og aarnes slik at de kan respondere eller videresende til rette vedkommende i vccn som formidler klubbsalg.

Email fra Marek Byma:
i have registered on the forum http://forum.vccn.no/ but i'm not able to add any reply (probably i have missed some have to do at first).
some answers to the questions i have found on the forum (can you forward it, please?):
- switching the track: the previous track works fast but the next track has a delay (2 seconds) because if you press it twice in 2 second then you activate a voice control on the cellphone ;-).
- if you have not PHM: i have a device connecting directly into the radio (see attached pictures) but the price is little bit higher then GROM so i don't think that someone will want it. the price is same as a module.


26/03/17, 20:10
hi all,
sorry that i use an english but it's only the way how i'm able to comunicate with you (but better than in czech, isn't it? :-) ).
so if you have any question regarding functionality then ask me here ;-). you can write in norwegian language, it looks that google translator works quite good.

26/03/17, 20:34
Ser ut til at Marek har kommet seg inn her nå :-)

Når det gjelder gruppekjøp så tenker jeg at dette er noe medlemmene kan ordne seg i mellom.
Ingen hensikt i at VCCN skal kjøpe inn og selge videre.

Uansett, et tips til den som evt. tar ansvar for gruppekjøp: få det sendt til Poste Restante Strømstad, http://posterestantestromstad.no/.
Da slipper vi norsk mva og avgifter siden Tsjekkia er i EU :-) .

Jeg kan evt. ta på meg ansvaret for å dra å hente det i Strömstad om det er behov.

26/03/17, 20:38
Send poste restante, ikke til Poste restante firamaet. De tar betalt for tjenesten. Postens poste restante hentes på bedriftssenteret og er gratis.

26/03/17, 20:40
Send poste restante, ikke til Poste restante firamaet. De tar betalt for tjenesten. Postens poste restante hentes på bedriftssenteret og er gratis.

Men må hentes innenfor postens åpningstid, som er man-fre 09-17. og lunsj mellom 12 og 13.
hvis jeg skal hente så må det sendes til PR-gutta- 100kr i gebyr har vi råd til isåfall .

26/03/17, 20:53
Jauda, mulig det, men greit å informere om tenkte jeg bare.
Selv sendte jeg til en kollega, så slapp billig unna.. =p

26/03/17, 22:28
i'm in contact with Joachim (head of VCCN). i hope we will find the best (maybe cheapest) solution ;-). at the moment i don't want to tell more but i would like to visit Norway so the road trip is possible ;-). and boards are small :-) .

29/03/17, 21:05
the new firmware was released:
v2017-03-29_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaT3NfRFFhRlRZdFk)
Temporarily removed
- Radio: Incoming and outgoing notifications on the radio display.
- Bluetooth: Totally reworked management for incoming and outgoing calls. No more the “Bluetooth” message on the Dashboard. Always the phone number or the contact name.
- Radio: The track information stayed on the radio display after the device was disconnected.
- Bluetooth: The paired device management updated.

01/04/17, 00:10
some new features
v2017-04-01_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaY1A0VFE5cVh1bFE)
- Modem: The factory reset option (“9: Factr. r.”). It will delete all settings except license key and own texts.
- Radio: Possibility to enable or disable Voice control activation via Radio "next track" button. It's disabled as a default so the "next track" button has not 2s delay before track change. To enable select "RV: VC on", to disable "RV: VC off".
- Radio: Call notification on the radio display is back.

01/04/17, 08:08
some new features
v2017-04-01_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaY1A0VFE5cVh1bFE)
- Modem: The factory reset option (“9: Factr. r.”). It will delete all settings except license key and own texts.
- Radio: Possibility to enable or disable Voice control activation via Radio "next track" button. It's disabled as a default so the "next track" button has not 2s delay before track change. To enable select "RV: VC on", to disable "RV: VC off".
- Radio: Call notification on the radio display is back.

Hurray :D

01/04/17, 09:57
Veldig intr i dette til R`n :)

01/04/17, 10:40
Jeg også [emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Terje Ek
01/04/17, 13:39
Ble litt interessert i den andre boksen han har. Tenkte kjøre Bluetooth på radio for avspilling av musikk/nettradio . Har rti så må vel å ha y kabel.

Sent fra min SM-G920F via Tapatalk

03/04/17, 08:03
in general. if you already have any device connected to the radio via MELBUS (RTI, the original CD or MD external changer) then you need to have a "Y" cable. sometimes the cable is connected into MELBUS connector. but it can be just prepared for the external CD changer which is not installed. in this case you don't need "Y" cable because it can keep unconnected.

17/04/17, 16:02
v2017-04-17_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaN3dsckZJQnhFTFE)
- Bluetooth: Some non smart cellphone support (myPhone).
- Modem: Do not activate speaker if not required.
- Bluetooth: Management for the connected devices updated.
- Bluetooth: The result after the OPP/OBEX will disappear after 20 seconds.
- Radio: The music management is fully driven by the radio. If the BT module source is selected on the radio then it's not possible to pause/stop it (it will start playing after a while). If the BT module source is not selected on the radio or the radio is powered off then it's not possible to play the music (it will stop after a while).

21/04/17, 21:27
Dette vil også fungere på min 01 mod med 605 spiller?
Hadde egentlig ment å gå for kina android spiller, men ser ut som det her er både mindre jobb og billigere :)

21/04/17, 21:37
så lenge du har original telefonmodul, så ja :)

21/04/17, 21:40
Det har jeg! Om noen skal bestille en sånn en i nærmeste framtid og er i nærheten av svenskegrensa så si gjerne ifra :)

22/04/17, 04:28
Det har jeg! Om noen skal bestille en sånn en i nærmeste framtid og er i nærheten av svenskegrensa så si gjerne ifra :)
hi, there are 2 types of PHM in the s80. the older model (probably until 2000) has slot for the big SIM card in the luggage trunk and this PHM is not supported. the newer has SIM slot as other models (s60, v70) in the PHM and this is supported. but you should probably have a newer.

22/04/17, 04:33
poster (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8uAh9YxHp5vcDljRmh3VWRLQ0U) :rolleyes:

22/04/17, 14:09
Jeg hadde vist 603 og ikke 605, har det noen betydning?
Sånn ser det ut - fant bilde på nettet

23/04/17, 09:27
Spiller er ikke av betydning, det er telefonmodulen som modifiseres.

29/04/17, 19:54
bug fixes in the new version:
v2017-04-29_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaeWFFbEN6d0R3SE0)
- Modem: If the PHM is turned off the it’s not possible to connect any device.
- Modem: If the PHM is manually turned off and then turned on the device is not connected anymore. You have to wait until the PHM is totally turned off.
- Modem: The second incomming waiting call terminated also the first already active call (in the PHM) if the second side has terminated it.
- Modem: (I hope) The "Insert SIM" sometimes stay on the Dashboard.
- Bluetooth: If the PHM is turned off and the phonebook readout is in progress the it cause module restart.

17/05/17, 23:25
some bug fixes and added some modem commands using by modems with VOC (no VOC function support). the main new feature is possibility to update bluetooth modem (wt32i) firmware via USB. for the update you have to remove PHM out of the car. i will add a how to later (i don't have a time at the moment). it's not necessary.

v2017-05-15_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaaW5oVDFDNHhJNEk)
- Modem: Few new instruction using by modems with VOC.
- Modem: Possibility to check Bluetooth modem (wt32i) firmware version. Stored in the setting phonebook as a “vw-x.y.z”, where “x.y.z” is a wt32i firmware version.
- Bluetooth: Possibility to update firmware version in the Bluetooth modem (wt32i) via USB on the module.
- Bluetooth: Some bugs on manual connection and pairing.
- Radio: Some updates.

the known bug: if modem is registered as a md-changer and the text is active and it has a specific length then it cause an error on the radio display. only way how to remove it is turn off the ignition, remove key, lock the car and wait at aroud 5 minutes.

updated position for antenna (also in the documentation). it's not required.just if you have some audio dropouts from the rear seats then it could help.

20/05/17, 16:35
the radio communication cleanup.
v2017-05-20_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaT0JEN0FVUTZIRG8)
- Radio: The track time wasn't displayed correctly (CD-CHANGER and MD-CHANGER mode).
- Radio: Random chars after the text if it was shorter than maximum supported length.
- Radio: (I hope) The errors appears on the radio from some reason if the module was registered an a MD-CHANGER and the text was shown.

23/05/17, 23:55
MELBUS bug fixing ;-) .
v2017-05-23_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaSG90aTBmQ1pUTXM)
- Bluetooth: If the second device is enabled then it’s connection is faster.
- Radio: The “Master mode” for the MELBUS has been rewrited. Texts on the MD-CHANGER should now work without errors.

26/05/17, 22:58
another annoying bug has been fixed.
v2017-05-26_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaVGJQZ1FfOFhwYUk)
- Modem: Not possible to dial a number on the PHM, neither directly nor from the phonebook, if the iPhone is connected.

30/05/17, 17:50
another annoying bug has been fixed.
v2017-05-26_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaVGJQZ1FfOFhwYUk)
- Modem: Not possible to dial a number on the PHM, neither directly nor from the phonebook, if the iPhone is connected.
Possible to send updates from the new Galaxy S8 phone?

31/05/17, 17:54
just the small update without functionality impact.
v2017-05-31_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaMnluc3pyaElGVG8)
- Modem: Show the result after the bootloader has been updated on the Dashboard. “BTLDR OK” if correctly or “BTLDR XX” if the update fails.

Possible to send updates from the new Galaxy S8 phone?
i'm not sure but maybe. you can test it but:
- the bootloader has to be at least 2017-05-15
- (maybe) you have to probably update the wt32i modem to the last version 6.2.0 (bt module has to be removed out of the car because the update has to be done via onboard usb)

stage 1 - update firmware and bootloader:
do the following update with already tested smartphone or via desktop/laptop:
firmware update
- described in the documentation

bootloader update
- turn on the PHM (if it's not) and wait until the access into phonebook is available. if the device you want to use for the update is connected then it's not a problem.
- (for v2017-05-31 and newer) press the green button to show name of the connected device on the dashboard.
- send a file "boot_loader.btb" (part of the update package).
- (for v2017-05-31 and newer) after the file has been sent then the "BTLDR OK" or "BTLDR XX" appears on the dashboard. the message will disappear after 20 seconds.

stage 2 - simple test if device is possible to use for the update:
- turn on the PHM (if it's not) and wait until the access into phonebook is available. if the device you want to use for the test is connected then it's not a problem.
- press the green button to show name of the connected device on the dashboard.
- send a file "btphone_tst.btb" (part of the update package).
- if you see "Test OK" after the file has been sent then you can safety use the device for the update. if you see some numbers then the file wasn't received correctly. the message will disappear after 20 seconds.

then let me know ;-)

08/07/17, 11:59
it sometimes happends that it's not possible to pair new device. it's due to automatic connection. so if the device is not possible to pair then go to the phonebook (on the PHM) and select "1: N.search" wait 2-5 seconds and try to pair again.

v2017-07-08_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOabzJqcGZ2cmllSms)
- Modem: The new option to temporarily turn off the automatic connection by the “1: N.search”. Sometimes if the module searching a device to connect then it's not possible to pair the new device.
- Modem: An update option has been renamed to “2: Update”.
- Modem: (I hope) Missing voice from the headrest after the call has been accepted.

09/07/17, 20:02
the new feature = the new bug. so on the second attempt ;) .
v2017-07-09_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaNkoxWlRIUlpRWDg)
- Modem: The “1: N.search” option did activate also an update mode.

19/08/17, 19:00
another bug fixed (wavecom modems).
v2017-08-19_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaVC1ucVlwSnRBZFk)
- Modem: Can't reject an incoming calls (Wavecom modems).

20/08/17, 19:39
i had an access to the car with wavecom modem this weekend. so i have added a new feature (works on PHM with wavecom modem). if you dial a call from cellphone then you don't need to press the green button to forward the call into PHM. the call will be automatically forwarded to PHM after you dial it on the cellphone ;) .
v2017-08-20_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaM1FBRjBMZkxIeXM)
- Modem (Wavecom only): You don’t need to press the green button after you dial a number from cellphone.

31/08/17, 22:21
some updates and news.
v2017-08-31_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaTFE0S3JCRm5oaWc)
- Modem: If you dial “***” then all connected devices will be disconnected. It’s possible to use it to abort automatic search before pairing a new device.
- Modem: Updated initialization of microphone and speaker in headrest.
- Modem: The new firmware notification timeout is 6 seconds.

i have the last piece from my personal series ;) . after that you can order it only on volvotune.nl or volvocesky.cz.

31/08/17, 22:24
Er det noen her som har satt inn dette modulet?
Kunne gjerne tenkt meg å høre hvordan samtalekvaliteten er - så hvis noen har det i drift, send meg en PM så kan du ringe meg fra telefonen :-)

Daniel V
01/09/17, 14:22
Morgis har vel dette i drift?

03/09/17, 23:48
ja, brukt daglig i 6måneder nå til musikk.
Starter spotify automatisk når jeg starter bil, lydkvalitet er helt topp.

Mikrofon til samtale oppleves dårlig "i andre enden". Neppe feil på BT modul da jeg fikk ny for å teste om dette bedret kvaliteten, så her er det kanskje volvos telefonmodul som ikke er bedre. Har ikke brydd meg mer med dette.

04/09/17, 06:19
Samme erfaringen her. Kan selvfølgelig slå på tråden om det skulle være ønskelig. =p

15/10/17, 11:54
couple of changes ;) . some of them are focused to the update safety. some of them are prepared for communication with "vdash".

!!! please use the following steps for the firmware update !!! :
- bootloader update:
- - connect the device which you will use ti the update
- - wait until is possible to read PHM phonebook
- - send the "emergency\boot_loader.btb" file
- firmware update:
- - as usual or use documntation

v2017-10-14_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaRjJVNjVVT090d3M)
- Bootloader: Protection against wrong or badly received firmware. If the new firmware is not Ok then the device will stay in bootloader (prepared to receive a new firmware) also after power down and power up. So it's not necessary to remove the board out of PHM and start from scratch via USB.
- Bluetooth: Possibility to module settings by sending “btphone_cfg.bst” file to the device.
- Bluetooth: Possibility to get module settings by sending “btphone_cfg.bgt” file to the device.
- Bluetooth: Possibility to get system info by sending “btphone_info.bgt” file to the device
- - Bluetooth modem (wt32i) firmware version
- - bootloader version
- - firmware version
- - license ID
- - licence status
- - Modem settings details
- Bluetooth: Possibility to send settings files (configuration and texts) also if standard connection is not allowed (PHM turned off by the button but power is up).
- Modem: Bootloader version is available in the setting menu (phonebook).
- Modem: Disconnecting the second connected device by dial "###". The mode will stay activated so it's possible to connect another.
- Bluetooth: The error log readout has been changed to "btphone_error.bgt" file instead of "btphone_get.bel".
- Bluetooth: The license activation file has been changed to "btphone_license.bst" instead of "btphone_set.blc".
- Bluetooth: The texts settings file has been changed to "btphone_texts.bst" instead of "btphone_cfg.btx".
- Bluetooth: The device name settings file has been changed to "btphone_name.bst" instead of "btphone_cfg.bnm".
- Bluetooth: The modem type is part of global settings file "btphone_cfg.bst" so the setting via "btphone_cfg.bmb" file is no longer supported.

23/10/17, 21:44
a few things.
the same style of update like before (including bootloader).

v2017-10-23_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOacjR2WTZCNGNXQTQ)
- Bootloader: Bootloader validation.
- System: System library update.
- FW package: The folder structure has been changed.
- Bootloader: Boot loop if the bootloader was missing in the device.

FYI: i plan to do some video HOW-TOs. so i hope that it will useful ;) .

29/10/17, 23:23
some tiny updates.
v2017-10-29_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOacHhNaE1WcU9lTGs)
- Bluetooth: Auto connection to the device is enabled only if the communication with PHM is set properly. This eliminates problems with pairing the first device if the communication with PHM is not working (due to different baudrate).
- Modem: The signal strength on the dashboard not shows the GSM signal strength but the signal strength of Bluetooth connection. GSM signal strength is not updating if the device is not active (the display is turned off). If there is not any comma then there is possible that there are outages during the audio streaming.

for xc90 owners:
i should start the develop for the xc90 PHM soon. i didn't know how to forward the music into the radio (optics is out of my skills). but i did get an idea. i will use the fm transmitter with RDS support to transform audio stream into the radio. it's not 100% professional but it should work (will test it). the audio stream remote will be provided by dialing "#" (for next track), "*" (for previous track) or "0" (for play/pause). thanks to RDS it will possible to send track tags to the radio display.

based on some rumors P1 and P3 platforms use the same PHM (in early years, later models already have bluetooth PHMs).

31/10/17, 21:55
quite a lot of new versions lately ;) .
v2017-10-31_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx1JydK-tGOaVjBqam9DUWUtTTQ)
- Bluetooth: Added hardware ID info into the system information list.
- Bluetooth: Bluetooth volume for the call is set in the cellphone to the maximum after the call has started.
- Bluetooth: After an ignition is turned on then it can caused some reconnecting (the device is connected and disconnected fewtimes).
- Bluetooth: In Windows there wasn't able to accept a file sent from the module.

04/11/17, 23:20
i finally started with video how-to. the first one is probably not so important because everybody who has this module and it's already works then he knows it. but i plan to add all regarding the module settings and other features.

so here it is (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgH01PDMepcllTYKJETOrS8ADqn8o4lKE).
it's in Czech but you can turn on English subtitles ;) .

05/11/17, 17:51
i finally started with video how-to. the first one is probably not so important because everybody who has this module and it's already works then he knows it. but i plan to add all regarding the module settings and other features.

so here it is (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgH01PDMepcllTYKJETOrS8ADqn8o4lKE).
it's in Czech but you can turn on English subtitles ;) .

new video. how to set baudrate properly.

12/11/17, 11:49
i finally started with video how-to. the first one is probably not so important because everybody who has this module and it's already works then he knows it. but i plan to add all regarding the module settings and other features.

so here it is (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgH01PDMepcllTYKJETOrS8ADqn8o4lKE).
it's in Czech but you can turn on English subtitles ;) .

another two videos ;)
- changing BT module name
- language and freely-changeable texts

16/11/17, 20:34
another two videos ;)
- changing BT module name
- language and freely-changeable texts
Is it possible to get it to show artist and song title in the DIM as well? I really wanna buy a Pioneer with Android Auto, or the BluePower Android unit when it is released, but this is so easy! I got a GROM BT unit already, but for the price you charge, I might just buy yours instead! ;)

245 V8
18/11/17, 22:40
Noen som vet om det er bare og putte inn et gammelt sim kort eller må det vere et tvilling simkort til telefonen? :)

18/11/17, 23:08
Hvis du tenker på den originale telefonmodulen (uten modifiseringa som her omtales) bruker den et hvilket som helst aktivt simkort. Om du har eget abb til bilen, eller vil bruke tvillingsim er opp til deg selv.

22/11/17, 08:48
Is it possible to get it to show artist and song title in the DIM as well? I really wanna buy a Pioneer with Android Auto, or the BluePower Android unit when it is released, but this is so easy! I got a GROM BT unit already, but for the price you charge, I might just buy yours instead! ;)
it's possible to implement but it will not convenient. the text is possible to show instead of the operator name (connected device). if this is active then buttons on the steering wheel are mapped to the PHM instead of the radio. so if you see the text then you can't change the track or change the volume on the radio.

28/11/17, 22:48
small changes

v2017-11-28_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AdOxB9ds16xbxEQgxQ_cDOkDi0SFeokX)
- Bluetooth: Some names of configuration files has been changed (again). The reason is due to merge the names for all my BT products:
- - license upload: “bt_license.bst”
- - settings: “bt_config.bst”, “bt_config.bgt” (settings request), “bt_config.txt” (received settings)
- - system information: “bt_info.bgt” (information request), “bt_info.btg” (received system info)
- - error log: “bt_error.btg” (log request), “bt_error.btg” (received log)

08/12/17, 20:32
i finally started with video how-to. the first one is probably not so important because everybody who has this module and it's already works then he knows it. but i plan to add all regarding the module settings and other features.

so here it is (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgH01PDMepcllTYKJETOrS8ADqn8o4lKE).
it's in Czech but you can turn on English subtitles ;) .
new video.
- how to update the module (updated order, so it's as third on the list)

10/12/17, 05:15
Yeh.. firmware update failed.. My phone said "File could not be sent" and now the PHM just display "Please wait..." forever.

How to fix?

10/12/17, 15:53
what was the transfer status before it was failed? was it failed on the begining (nothing was sent) or it was failed during the process?

if nothing is send then just turn off the ignition, lock the car and wait at about 5 minutes (check it if it start operate). if something was sent then it depends on the bootloader version. if the bootloader version is older than 2017-10-14 then you have to remove the PHM out of the car and reflash the BT module via USB (let me know and i will send you a steps how-to).

10/12/17, 22:01
what was the transfer status before it was failed? was it failed on the begining (nothing was sent) or it was failed during the process?
It failed in the end, when aprox. the whole file was sent it failed.
if nothing is send then just turn off the ignition, lock the car and wait at about 5 minutes (check it if it start operate). even after 12h sleep it's "Please wait..." if something was sent then it depends on the bootloader version. if the bootloader version is older than 2017-10-14 then you have to remove the PHM out of the car and reflash the BT module via USB (let me know and i will send you a steps how-to).
Bootloader is older, the process have failed a couple of times so It's still an old version, probably from june/july.. So, please send instructions. See e-mail in my signature.

12/12/17, 14:49
Bootloader is older, the process have failed a couple of times so It's still an old version, probably from june/july.. So, please send instructions. See e-mail in my signature.
BT module - recovery via USB
- remove PHM out of the car and remove the main cover
- unplug the 30pin ribbon cable from BT module
- install sam-ba (SAM-BA v2.xx for Windows) software on the PC with windows (http://www.microchip.com/developmenttools/productdetails.aspx?partno=atmel%20sam-ba%20in-system%20programmer)
- reboot the computer
- download the latest fw for BT module (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8uAh9YxHp5vTEp4ai15NU1lTVk)
- rename the "btphone_p2v2.btb" file to "btphone_p2v2.bin"
- images mentioned bellow are available here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JRtm124XQcS9CF2p1

recovery process:
- connect BT module to the PC via USB
- make a short on "JP2" (by metal tweezer, wire, ...)
- wait at around 10 seconds and release the short on "JP2"
- wait at around 20 seconds, run "SAM-BA" application (on windows 10 as an administrator)
- on the app at second line choose "at91sam4s2-ek" and click on "Connect" (figure "init - 01")
- on the next window (figure "init - 02") click on the button marked as red and then choose the "btphone_p2v2.bin" file
- click on "Send File" (figure "init - 02", marked as green)
- after the file is send then the message appears (figure "init - 03"). choose "No".
- click on "Execute" (on figure "init - 02" marked as blue) and then close the app.
- unplug the USB out of BT module, wait 10 seconds and plug it back. LEDs should start blinking somehow and after a while only the blue is blinking ("BT_B").
- send the following files to the BT module via bluetooth: "boot_loader.btb", "bt_config.bst" (do not forget to set the communication speed properly, you can also set the other things), "btphone_texts.bst"
- unplug the USB cable out of BT module and connect the ribon cable back
- put the PHM back into the car

the license is missing on the module so it will always disconnect any device after a minute. turn on the PHM and you will see the code instead of connected device name. make a picture and send it to me ;) . after that i will send you a license file.

in the package "BT Phone P2v2 - v2017-11-28_1.zip" the file "bt_config.bst" is badly named as "btphone_cfg.bst" (will fixed in next release). in this case rename the "btphone_cfg.bst" file to "bt_config.bst.

14/12/17, 00:38
again some improvements
v2017-12-13_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gaQJzHNBCwwjRzY3v_Zce5fE4Q3iLb5l)
- Bluetooth: Possibility to manage paired device list via files
- - “bt_pair.bgt”: After the file is send then you will reveive “bt_pair.txt” file. This file contains list of paired devices. Each line is the paired device (<Name>;<ID>;<Key>).
- - “bt_pair.bst”: This file contains the list of paired devices. If empty then all devices will be deleted. Use the "bt_pair.txt" and remove the device (line) which you want to remove out of BT module. Then send it as "bt_pair.bst".
- Bluetooth: You don't need to be connected before you want to read the device settings, ...
- Bluetotoh: If the BT module don't find any device after the second loop then it stops searching. It makes easier to pair the new device if it's not possible at beginning.
- Modem: Added protection and notification against wrong instalation, if the SIM cable is plugged into PHM. You will see the permanent "SIM ERROR" message on the dashboard. Contacts are not shown, you see the settings phonebook list instead (not possible to use after the device is connected). Connect the device, listen the music, receive or dial calls is available.
- Bluetooth: If the second device is enabled it's not automaticaly connected.
- Bluetooth: Sometimes the file sent from the BT module was not finished properly.
- Bluetooth: The file from the BT module has been always sent to the first device also if requested from the second.
- Firmware package: Wrong names of the configuration files.

PS: i'm curious how many people will see the "SIM ERROR" after this update.

15/12/17, 21:18
news which new users will like them ;) .
v2017-12-15_2 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nd1mGVgDWPdzrDJelX_KipgL6iPCck6D)
- Modem: Modem communication speed is now automatically detected.
- Modem: The default modem communication speed is now set to 19200Bd (facelift models).
- Bootloader: Some updates regarding communication speed.

if you have wavecom version in the pre-facelift model then it will not work properly for a while. so do the following steps:
- after the firmware update wait for a while (error on the radio disappears)
- turn off the ignition and lock the car.
- wait at around 5 minutes
- turn on the ignition and wait for a while, if the green LED on PHM stops shining, turn on the PHM again.
- wait until it start operate properly
- now update the bootloader

the bootloader update is required for everybody. the link to videos is above.

17/12/17, 18:45
v2017-12-17_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qBUeO0bwh_B3LCMmdc1WkTpDLxQdD-Aw)
- Modem: The different method for modem baudrate detection.

v2017-12-17_2 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T2S4MpIWV8KHwov5h9dbzUq29LXsqrvN)
- Modem: The communication has stopped working after the baudtrate detection.

15/04/18, 12:55
the new version after a longer time. it looks like there are not so many changes but some parts of the code are quite rewrote.

how-to update (also the bootlaoder): here (https://youtu.be/Q3SM0A3dnHw) (turn the english subtitles on)

v2018-04-13_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=12dMGK4jjmmGrGbh91KS0l2Wbhz9cFoO7)
- Bluetooth: Voice command activation on iPhone.
- Bluetooth: Possibility to set the module just for Hands-Free (HFP).
- System: After the bootloader is turned on then it will stay active even if turned on again (if power is turned off). The only way how to switch it back is to upload proper version of the firmware.
- Some modules has been fully rewrote.

if the bootloader is not updated (after the firmware update) then it is not possible to turn it on.

24/04/18, 23:31
some bug fixes. and one now feature ;) .

v2018-04-25_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G2gSDIXEJNFlpKu_l9UzSDzWOO_4hR_9)
- Bluetooth: Added a feature to swap connected cellphones. If you dial "**#" then the cellphone for calls is changed to cellphone for the music and vice versa.
- Bluetooth: Some names of configuration files has been changed (again). The reason is due to merge the names for all my BT products:
- - Bluetooth module name: “bt_name.bst”
- - User texts: “bt_user_texts.bst”
- Bluetooth: The second cellphone autoconnection.
- Modem: The Bootloader version didn’t change after the update (it was right after the reboot).
- Modem: History calls readout.

25/04/18, 13:21
Tha last update I did was 24.02.2017. What files do I need to update to get the latest version in my car? Hoping I don't have to send all the updates in between!

02/05/18, 18:55
Tha last update I did was 24.02.2017. What files do I need to update to get the latest version in my car? Hoping I don't have to send all the updates in between!
it should be ok if you flash directly the latest fw. the firmware first and then bootloader. if something wrong then it's possible to fix via USB (it can happen). if you have a laptop then it should be the best option for this situation.

07/05/18, 20:40
the part managing calls has been changed quite a lot.

now it works like this:

incoming calls (does not matter if the first or the second connected device):
- if the call is rejected, then it's terminated
- if accepted on then PHM (if it offers it) then the call is connected as a HF via PHM
- if accepted on then device then the call stays on device

outgoing call:
- if dialled on the PHM then the call is created on the first connected device (possible to switch via "**#")
- if dialled on the device then:
- - if not active any call then it's connected as a HF via PHM (if ericsson modem or the it's the second device then PHM starts ringing, if rejected then call stays in the device)
- - if already active call (connected as a HF) then the new call stays in the device

call terminating:
- if the red button on the PHM (or the steering wheel) is pressed then the call connected as a HF is terminated.
- if terminated on the device then it's also terminated on the PHM (if connected)

call switching between PHM and the device:
- if you want to switch the call from the PHM to the device then select Earphone or Speaker on the device (audio options during the call). the call will stay in the device and it's terminated in PHM.
- if you want to switch the call from the device to the PHM (HF) then select Bluetooth on the device (audio options during the call). if ericsson modem or the it's the second device then PHM starts ringing, if rejected then call stays in the device

2 active calls or 1 active and 1 incomming:
- if 2 active calls (each on the different device) and the call connected with the PHM is terminated as the first then the PHM offer the connection with the second. if ericsson modem or the it's the second device then PHM starts ringing, if rejected then call stays in the device
- if call is active and connected with PHM and some incomming call is on the second device then:
- if accept the call on the device then call stays in the device.
- if current active call is terminated then the PHM offers accept / reject the of the incomming call.

in the shortcut:
where you do the action, there it will affect.

not so possitive news for the iPhone owners. i have an piece for the testing. after some tests i do not recommend it to use with another connected device (the connection start to be unstable, from time to time it causes Bluetooth modem restarts, ...). the worst scenario is if the iPhone is connected as the second device and you make a call or somebody calls to the device. if iPhone is connected as an only device then there is no problems.

i hope that this text makes a sence. if not then i apologize and let me know.


v2018-05-06_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=16ORXqINbW0HdlmWMoNay4khkLhcZqXoR)

- Bluetooth: Now it’s possoble to connect call from the second device with HF.
- Bluetooth: If current call is terminated and another call on then second connected device is active then the PHM will offer to connect with HF.
- Bluetooth: If call on the second connected device starts then module is unstable.
- Bluetooth: Call management rewrited.

07/05/18, 22:23
I really like this update. Thank you :)

28/05/18, 23:08
many bugs fixed.

v2018-05-28_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JOT3QRqF_GHblTYvP_-e9TijjYe08Q1t)
- Modem: If the field from the settings phonebook is choose then nothing happens. If not possible to activate the bootloader (actualization) then send the file "boot_loader.run" as first to activate it from the device and wait at around 10 seconds after that.
- Bluetooth: iPhone device: If the device is manually disconnected (from the settings) then it's not fully disconnected.
- Bluetooth: Call management update (especially iPhone). But still not recommended to use iPhone with another device on one time (Causes instability if active call on the both devices).
- Bluetooth: After the second device is disconnected then the first device is not fully re-connected.

11/07/18, 01:31
v2018-07-11_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B4Qwy7ToxsEoQxBA_Aruv6YvuKz7WgaT)
- System: The system reboot after the first power up.
- Modem: The new instruction for Ericsson modems (220 4194 D).

12/08/18, 21:08
v2018-08-12_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gxkOEkI1Slwv0JoPY2wB1fdVqPVPjSt9)

- MELBUS: After the call the module is active on the MELBUS even if not selected.

13/08/18, 07:48
(Not latest fw v2018-08-12_1)

if i anwer and hang up on phone, my HU often get stuck after a call, TELEPHONE is still shown on display.
I have to turn off and on the telephonemodule when it happens. Samsung S7

13/08/18, 12:52
something (maybe this is it) has happened on the wavecom modems (with radio HU-x5x). it was repaired at around october 2017. what version do you have?

13/08/18, 22:33
v2018-05-28_1 - I think..will check tomorrow. HU-850.

22/08/18, 23:55
stupid bug fixed.

v2018-08-23_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PLwtGnczJGpzDEgDGDFLEFD0CROrs4r9)
- MELBUS: Bluetooth module did ocupate audio lines even if not selected.

27/08/18, 22:23
v2018-08-27_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sbv-RxmoNVEI5NB--ectJhGj998GiFvV)
- MELBUS: MD-CHANGER text did not work.

21/10/18, 22:54
some little improvement.

v2018-10-21_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qIX4cVNCRrCncGDUVMNxuiGVeGTNoE5H)
- Bootloader: If Bootloader is active then pairing is automatically accepted even if accepted by “Green button” is required in standard operation.
- Modem: Some re-work. Fixed “Connecting…” message on Wavecom modems.
- Bluetooth: From time to time the message "Synch..." was too long and contacts were not read out.

22/10/18, 21:41
some little improvement.

v2018-10-21_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qIX4cVNCRrCncGDUVMNxuiGVeGTNoE5H)
- Bootloader: If Bootloader is active then pairing is automatically accepted even if accepted by “Green button” is required in standard operation.
- Modem: Some re-work. Fixed “Connecting…” message on Wavecom modems.
- Bluetooth: From time to time the message "Synch..." was too long and contacts were not read out.

Hi Marek,
This last update failed. Now the BT module says "please wait" forever. and the MD option on HU is gone.
What to do now"

The update was done with a laptop and windows 10.
Locking the car and wait for 5 minutes, then unlock, did not solve the problem.

23/10/18, 17:57
if transfer failed then the module boots into bootloader. put the key into position "I" or "II" wait 10 seconds. if PHM LED not shining then turn on the PHM. after that send the firmware again. if transfer is ok then it should reboot into standard mode.

23/10/18, 19:06
if transfer failed then the module boots into bootloader. put the key into position "I" or "II" wait 10 seconds. if PHM LED not shining then turn on the PHM. after that send the firmware again. if transfer is ok then it should reboot into standard mode.

YESS! It works now.
Thanks a lot

terje midbrød:)

26/10/18, 14:55
little bug fix. if pairing acceptation is not set then it is not reason to update (from the previous version).

v2018-10-26_1 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rxoJ4heoddg8hzOq1rqtxEIq5x3GECKB)
- Modem: After pairing is accepted then it is not possible to dial a number from the PHM.

30/10/18, 20:57
i am an idiot. for those who have a revision "F" (mentioned on bottom right corner) then they really have an sound issue (missing bass). the solution is to remove R130 and R131. you can put 100k resistor (0603) instead or keep it unpopulated.

this is new feature (not in previous versions) but due to CTRL-C CTRL-V error the value is too low (1.5k).

i am really sorry and i am apologize everyone who have this issue.

R130 & R131 are shown on this forum (https://www.volvoforums.org.uk/showpost.php?p=2462410&postcount=157).


30/10/18, 22:17
I got the revC, works perfect.

What is the "upgrades" between C and F ?
I see that the revF does not support external bluetooth antenna?


30/10/18, 22:36
antenna is not affect the revision. i have used modules with external antenna because module + antenna was from some reason much cheaper than module with integrated antenna. and now the situation has changed and module with intergated antenna is much cheaper. onestly i prefer external antenna but with internal it is also easier to install.

untill revision D the bluetooth module has parts from both sides because it was mostly assembled manually directly by me (and B-D were just cosmetic updates). revision E was the first revision with all parts on the top side (schematic without change) due to cheaper automatic assembly. and the revision F has these new resistors. these resistors just eliminate the noise if bluetooth modem has output in high impedance (it can appears if nothing is connected but radio is selected to bluetooth module). but due to mistake (too low value) it eliminate also basses.

25/11/18, 22:04
Hi Marek. Greetings from Denmark now as well. I would like to order your module and test it before starting the rumor here but how do I order? I have the integrated phone in my 2007 V70 and like the idea of using the already installed equipment. Regards. Anders.

24/12/18, 21:22
only small things

v2018-12-24_1 (https://goo.gl/hpFesF)

245 V8
31/01/21, 21:14
Flere som har montert denne og er fornøyd? Vurderer den i V70en.

31/01/21, 21:45
Hadde den montert, ikke vært fornøyd i lengden. Hadde et problem med lyd ut på samtaler som jeg aldri fikk løst. Volumet vekslet mellom normalt og mer eller mindre helt borte. Musikkavspilling var aldri noe problem.

31/01/21, 22:12
Eg har den i bilen, var ikkje fornøgd med telefondelen og mistenkte at kvaliteten på Bluetooth audio ikkje var heilt på topp så eg endte opp med å koble den frå og bruke grom audio boksen eg hadde frå før.

Meen, so daua både radioen og grom adapteren i løpet av eit år så når eg bytte radio og tok i bruk telefonen igjen. Eg brukar kun det til Bluetooth audio, for samtalekvaliteten er heilr ræva, men det er hardwaren i bilen som er problemet. Det er steinalder..