Vis full versjon : S90 lowering

26/12/14, 23:25
Anyone got any links to anywhere I can get parts to lower an S90?

27/12/14, 07:43
chassit.se sells a lowering kit, but it is not tüv approved if that is a requirement.
The kit consists of front springs and shocks + rear gas shocks.
It lowers the front maybe a bit too much (basically no air gap at all between the tire and wheel arc), the rear is depending on what spring Your car is fitted with.

Volvo has 3 options for the rear leaf springs:
-gas shock spring, in which the spring holds the entire weight of the car.
-nivomat spring, in which the weight is partly hold by the spring and partly by the nivomat.
-sport chassis, which is the same as the nivomat but a bit lowered.

Lowering the rear is the tricky part, the following will work:
-Nivomat spring with the nivo's replaced by gas shocks.
-Shortened gas shock spring.

The oem lowering spring will not work without the lowering nivomats. With gas shocks it will basically rest on the bumpstops.

29/12/14, 20:42
Does that site specialise in just Volvo's?.. doesnt really list models... either that or google translate isn't doing it's job properly.

30/12/14, 15:05
Try this link: http://chassit.internetbutiken.net/kprodukter.asp
Search for article number GEV112001

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