Vis full versjon : IPD stab.stag gnisser mot bærearm.

21/10/14, 23:08
Har fått montert IPD stab.stag på min 2005 Volvo S80 D5.
Har etter montering vært plaget av at staget foran lager lyder man forbinder med gamle trebåter. Viser seg at verksted hadde glemt å smøre inn foringer ved montering og det skal bli fiksa nå snart. Men i dag når jeg byttet til vinterhjul så ser jeg at stab.staget gnisser inn mot bærebrua(A-arm) noe som tyder på at det er lite klaring mellom staget og den bærebru/armen. Det er høyre side foran det er snakk om.

Det jeg lurer litt på er om staget har noen form for justering eller om noe kan være montert feil?
Bilder kommer i morgen, men om noen tror de vet hva jeg prøver å formidle og kanskje har noen svar så bare kom med det :)


Per Turbo
22/10/14, 00:43
Mener det skal godt gjøres å montere det foran feil, i så fall oppned men alt er vel mulig..

Legg ut bilde så blir det lettere å vurdere.
Er bærearmene originale?

22/10/14, 16:31
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5611/15598383511_4b08f86e74_b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15598383511/)
image (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15598383511/) by /Nero/ (https://www.flickr.com/people/nero850/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3943/15415054027_51cd8d571f_b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15415054027/)
image (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15415054027/) by /Nero/ (https://www.flickr.com/people/nero850/), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3940/15414423649_7829c31c4e_b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15414423649/)
image (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nero850/15414423649/) by /Nero/ (https://www.flickr.com/people/nero850/), on Flickr

22/10/14, 16:33
Mener det skal godt gjøres å montere det foran feil, i så fall oppned men alt er vel mulig..

Legg ut bilde så blir det lettere å vurdere.
Er bærearmene originale?

Jeg er usikker på om de er originale, men er like på begge sider da de ble byttet samtidig av forrige eier.

24/10/14, 15:40

We noticed your post and wanted to comment on some helpful tips. Is it rubbing on the driver side? You can loosen the bolts to the sway bar mounting bracket and shift the bar to the passenger side. I also have a question, does your sway bar incorporate lock washers that keep the bar from shifting to either side? I also noticed that the bushings are slightly worn. You will need to arrange to get new poly bushings with the proper grease.

Please call or email our customer service department 800-444-6473 info@ipdusa.com so we can assist you.

Thank you


24/10/14, 18:00
On the P80 swaybar kit theres a small protruding edge on the swaybar, just ok the inside of thebushing, keeping it from sliding to the left or right. I assume theres a similar patent on the P2 bars?

And while we have you here, Chris... aqualube is hard to get around these parts, is it essential we use this, or can any thick generic lubricant be used, as long as its applied to the inside of the bushings?

24/10/14, 20:20

We noticed your post and wanted to comment on some helpful tips. Is it rubbing on the driver side? You can loosen the bolts to the sway bar mounting bracket and shift the bar to the passenger side. I also have a question, does your sway bar incorporate lock washers that keep the bar from shifting to either side? I also noticed that the bushings are slightly worn. You will need to arrange to get new poly bushings with the proper grease.

Please call or email our customer service department 800-444-6473 info@ipdusa.com so we can assist you.

Thank you


Thank you for the reply Chris, I have sent you an email, I am not sure about the lock washers and I guess the poly bushes might be worn because of no lube applied. Car is at workshop/dealer today, trying to lube and adjust the swaybar.