Vis full versjon : XC70 D5 Turbo

13/05/13, 18:26

Apologies for the post in english, but I didn't trust google translate!

I have a D5 XC70 and have lost all turbo boost until 4200Rpm.

I have spotted a small vacuum hose loose at the back of the engine close to the turbo and it looks like it should be connected to something.

I'm unable to see where it goes and would like to take the heatshield off to investigate, but have limited tools here in Norway as they are all back in the UK.

Is anyone upto an hour away from Oslo able to give me some help with reconnecting the hose?

I'm hoping to get it fixed before the next meet at Gardemoen otherwise I won't be able to run :(

Thanks in advance


13/05/13, 18:57
I would check the rear engine mounting. They are vacuum controlled. If one of the hoses are loose, you will get fault codes for low turbo pressure.

In which year is the car produced?

Sent from my GT-I9100

13/05/13, 21:21
Thanks for the tip MadAss, and the car is a 2003.

I've managed to find out what the problem is by feeling about and the pipe from the actuator on the turbo has broken off leaving a bit of rubber on the turbo which I cannot remove.

Has anyone replaced the pipe from the turbo to the controller and can they suggest the best way to fix this problem?

Or can anyone recommend a Volvo specialist in or near Oslo?

Thanks again.


13/05/13, 21:27
Do you mean the vacuum hose connecting the wastegate actuator, to the turbo control valve?

13/05/13, 21:43
Do you mean the vacuum hose connecting the wastegate actuator, to the turbo control valve?

That's the one!

23/05/13, 21:24
So, what happend here?

23/05/13, 22:59
Han bytta slangen, bilen funker igjen. :)